A friend emailed me this and said that the butterfly decribed Catherine in the way she went from being a waitress (caterpillar)
to an exotic dancer (chrysalis) to a CSI (butterfly).
Born out of the caterpillar in the chrysalis, butterflies were a symbol of rebirth, regeneration, happiness, and joy to
Native Americans.
She does seem to make Grissom smile a lot.
Now I know she was an exotic dancer but I'm not sure about the waitress, but I thought this was cute and this is from
a person who only watches the show once in awhile.
Some interesting info the life-cycle difference between a butterfly and a moth.
Egg-Caterpillar-Chrysalis-Butterfly--Usually about in the day
Egg-Caterpillar-Cocoon----Moth--Usually about at night.
I know these are kind of silly but anyway:
1. Butterflied was a GC episode and the private school Cath enrolled Lindsey at is called Butterfield.
2. In French a Bow tie is called a noud papillon which literally means "butterfly knot" and Cath ties Gil's
bow tie or *butterfly knot!* in Formalities