CSI: Butterfly Love

The Rarest Butterfly

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Title: "The Rarest Butterfly"
Author: grissomrocks

Summary: Grissom reflects on a rare butterfly that now resides with him.

Disclaimer: I don't own CSI. I'm not making any money from this. I hope the people reading this story like it as much as I liked writing it.

Grissom gazed adoringly at the butterfly. It was the rarest and most precious creation he had ever seen. He fervently believed that he would never tire of observing it.

When he was informed of its coming, Grissom was sure there was some mistake. However, he discovered that some weeks earlier, he had inadvertently set the wheels in motion for the rare specimen's arrival. He guessed he hadn't been as cautious as he should have been or else he wouldn't now be tending to this butterfly.

Although the butterfly wasn't originally planned for, it wasn't unwanted. Grissom spent months preparing his home for the moment when the butterfly would burst forth. When that day finally arrived, he waited eagerly alongside the cocoon that it had been housed in.

It took many hours for the butterfly to finally emerge, but when Grissom beheld it in all its splendor for the first time, he was awestruck. The most beautiful creation he had ever seen and he felt blessed that he had witnessed the miracle of its entrance into the world.

Grissom's reminiscing was interrupted by a noise. "What's wrong with daddy's butterfly" he soothingly asked of the crying infant girl in his arms. He carefully maneuvered himself and the baby out of the rocking chair. "Sounds like you're hungry. Let's go see Mommy."
The End

"A butterfly flaps its wings in Brazil we get a hurricane of the coast of Florida. Chaos theory."


©Mystix 2005-2007

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